A Level Results Day: Our Top 5 Tips for Parents

A Level results day is just around the corner – and for many of our Rating Lane students, this Thursday is The Big Day.

But Thursday 16th August won’t just be scary for those collecting results – it’s also a huge moment for you, the parent and whatever the outcome, you’re going to need to be on hand for all kinds of emotional support.

We’ve put together 5 top tips to help you out.


All students want to make their parents proud. It’s really important to make it clear you’re proud of their hard work and celebrate their achievements, no matter what the result. There’s a lot of work which goes into A Levels!

Be positive

Being positive is number one on Results Day, so show your pride if things haven’t gone as planned and join them in shouting from the rooftops if they’ve made their grades.

Offer reassurance

Keep positive, whatever the result your child gets! As a parent, try not panic – it will really help your teenager. If at all possible encourage them to take a deep breath and stay relaxed so they can consider their options much more easily. Your teenager will probably need reassurance from you that everything will work out and it will all be OK. After all, resits are a thing!

Be prepared for plan B

In the run-up to results day itself, encourage your teenager to start thinking about other courses and/or universities that they would be prepared to consider in Clearing, it could help them get a head start once they get their results.

Make it clear they still have time

There is no rush to make any quick decisions if your child is thinking about a course in Clearing. Choosing a University can be difficult but when students go through Clearing and often haven’t even visited the University, it’s an even bigger decision to make. Clearing doesn’t open until the afternoon and so this gives your child time to reassess and have a good think about what they want to do before they start the process.

Remember Re-takes exist

If your son or daughter thinks that they could have got a better grade in specific subjects or modules, then it might be possible to re-sit the exam and reapply for the university or apprenticeship they want next year.

Barrow Sixth Form College is open from 8am until 4pm on Results Day, with tutors on hand to support and give advice. Parents and students can also contact us over the summer with any queries.

LA14 2PJ
Rating Lane
LA13 9LE
Contact Us Tel: 01229 825 017 (Channelside Campus)
Tel: 01229 828 377 (The Sixth Form)
Email: info@furness.ac.uk
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