Trade Up Success

A Furness College craft engineering event to introduce females to engineering was a success!

BAE Systems who facilitated the event got the chance to showcase their specialist trades: welding, caulking and steel working. Apprentices from BAE Systems gave their own thoughts on their apprenticeship experience and provided information about what an apprenticeship in any three of the areas at BAE Systems could do for the attendees.

The successful event saw 20 females along with their families, walk through the door at the Channelside campus all eager to find out more about the trades available to them.

Those who attended learnt new things about the engineering trades and Furness College’s facilities.

“Something I have learnt from the event which I didn’t know, is how advanced Furness College welding/steel work facilities are.” Kerrie.

“From the event I found it useful to get to know the range of jobs involved within the engineering sector and what they are all about. I found out what caulking is and also now understand the difference between different roles such grinding and welding. I found the event extremely useful as we were also offered the sheets of information to give us a wider understanding.” Amelia.

Attendees also had the opportunity to go on a workshop tour delivered by Director of Curriculum, Technical, Adult and Employer Learning Steve Mcaloone.

Steve said: “The workshop tours offered the attendees a great opportunity to see and explore our fantastic facilities. This is important because the workshops at Furness College mimic the environment and equipment they would be training and working in.”

Following on from this successful evening workshop sessions will now be delivered at Furness College for women to gain that added experience of the different trades. These sessions will run from the 4th November one night a week from 5 – 7pm for 4 weeks and you will get to experience the engineering trades. If you are interested in these workshop sessions please email:

Following the college workshop sessions, people interested in pursuing a career in one of the craft trades will be invited to the Submarines Academy for Skills and Knowledge within BAE Systems’ Barrow site to find out how the submarines builders of the future are being trained in a world-class environment.

Furness College will also hold its full open evening at Channelside on Wednesday 17th November from 5pm to 8pm. The sixth form campus open evening at Rating Lane is the week before on 10th November 5pm to 8pm. See to sign up and for more details.

LA14 2PJ
Rating Lane
LA13 9LE
Contact Us Tel: 01229 825 017 (Channelside Campus)
Tel: 01229 828 377 (The Sixth Form)
Belive Acheive Succeed!